CS39 – NPTC Unit 204 – Using a Chainsaw from Rope & Harness
Using a Chainsaw from Rope and Harness (formerly CS39)
We offer our CS39, Using a Chainsaw from a Rope and Harness course over three days, followed by the NPTC Assessment (Unit 204) the next available day.
The course covers the essential safety guidelines, equipment, inspection planning and practical experience needed for aerial cutting of trees with a chainsaw using free-fall techniques.
Course objectives:
Upon completing the Chainsaw from Rope and Harness training course you will be able to:
- Understand the legislation and safety guidelines pertaining to the use of a chainsaw from a rope and harness
- Understand the safety considerations to be observed in organising a worksite
- Carry out pre-start checks on the chainsaw, cold and hot starting techniques
- Demonstrate techniques for hauling chainsaws into the tree and attaching them appropriately to the harness
- Use appropriate techniques for establishing secure and comfortable work positions
- Demonstrate the appropriate use of various step and sink cuts and correct final pruning cuts
- Use top-handled and lightweight rear-handled chainsaws in a safe and efficient manner to remove light and medium-weight branches
- Understand and fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a competent grounds person
- Deal with matters arising appropriately.
Course sessions:
- HSE legislation and safety guidelines
- Preparing a chainsaw for use in a tree
- Securing the work position
- Cutting techniques
- Equipment inspection, storage and waste disposal.
NPTC Unit 204 (CS39) – Course Pre-requisites
- NPTC Units 201 (CS30) – Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting
- NPTC Unit 202 (CS31) – Felling of Small Trees – up to 380mm
- NPTC Unit 203 (CS38) – Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue Operations
NPTC Assessment
(CS39) NPTC 204: Use of Chainsaw from Rope and Harness
Cost and Booking
Course fee: £700 (inc VAT & NPTC Assessment)
The NPTC Assessments are optional, should you not require NPTC Certification/Qualification.
Maximum 4 people.
10% discount is available if a client provides all 4 trainees for the course.
Climbing kits and saws are available for hire by candidates who do not yet have their own equipment. Please contact the office for further information: 01732 811 162
*All NPTC Assessments are VAT exempt.